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authors Carole Lambert , Jonathan Bisson ORCID , Pierre Waffo-Téguo , Yorgos Papastamoulis , Tristan Richard , Marie-France Corio-Costet , Jean-Michel Mérillon , Stéphanie Cluzet
journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (RoMEO status: White)
subjects Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry Vine Wine Stilbenoids Polyphenols Bioactivity Antifungal

The interaction between Vitis vinifera and trunk disease fungi requires better understanding. We studied the role of phenolics as possible plant defense compounds in this context. The impact of 24 grapevine phenolic compounds was determined on 6 major wood decay fungi by an in vitro agar plate assay. Hydroxystilbenoids, especially oligomers such as miyabenol C, isohopeaphenol, and vitisin A and B, greatly reduced the growth of the fungi, except that of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum. A detailed investigation in 10 Botryosphaeriaceae strains revealed that all of the studied members of this family display a common susceptibility to phenolics that is more or less significant. Then we undertook a quantitative analysis of stilbenoid content in grapevine plantlets inoculated with Botryosphaeriaceae to investigate whether in planta these fungi have to counteract the most active phenolics. On the basis of our results, the possible role of phenolics in grapevine defense against trunk disease agents is discussed.

categories publications science