James B. McAlpine
Shao-Nong Chen
Andrei Kutateladze
John B. MacMillan
Giovanni Appendino
Andersson Barison
Mehdi A. Beniddir
Maique W. Biavatti
Stefan Bluml
Asmaa Boufridi
Mark S. Butler
Robert J. Capon
Young H. Choi
David Coppage
Phillip Crews
Michael T. Crimmins
Marie Csete
Pradeep Dewapriya
Joseph M. Egan
Mary J. Garson
Gregory Genta-Jouve
William H. Gerwick
Harald Gross
Mary Kay Harper
Precilia Hermanto
James M. Hook
Luke Hunter
Damien Jeannerat
Nai-Yun Ji
Tyler A. Johnson
David G. I. Kingston
Hiroyuki Koshino
Hsiau-Wei Lee
Guy Lewin
Jie Li
Roger G. Linington
Miaomiao Liu
Kerry L. McPhail
Tadeusz F. Molinski
Bradley S. Moore
Joo-Won Nam
Ram P. Neupane
Matthias Niemitz
Jean-Marc Nuzillard
Nicholas H. Oberlies
Fernanda M. M. Ocampos
Guohui Pan
Ronald J. Quinn
D. Sai Reddy
Jean-Hugues Renault
José Rivera-Chávez
Wolfgang Robien
Carla M. Saunders
Thomas J. Schmidt
Christoph Seger
Ben Shen
Christoph Steinbeck
Hermann Stuppner
Sonja Sturm
Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati
Dean J. Tantillo
Robert Verpoorte
Bin-Gui Wang
Craig M. Williams
Philip G. Williams
Julien Wist
Jian-Min Yue
Chen Zhang
Zhengren Xu
Charlotte Simmler
David C. Lankin
Jonathan Bisson
Guido F. Pauli
journal Natural Product Reports
subjects NMR Open Data Natural Products Integrity

journal Natural Product Reports
subjects NMR Open Data Natural Products Integrity
With contributions from the global natural product (NP) research community, and continuing the Raw Data Initiative, this review collects a comprehensive demonstration of the immense scientific value of disseminating raw nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data, independently of, and in parallel with, classical publishing outlets. A comprehensive compilation of historic to present-day cases as well as contemporary and future applications show that addressing the urgent need for a repository of publicly accessible raw NMR data has the potential to transform natural products (NPs) and associated fields of chemical and biomedical research.