[Bjonnh.net]# _

authors Cristina M.P. Vidal , Ariene A. Leme , Thaiane R. Aguiar , Rasika Phansalkar , Joo-Won Nam ORCID , Jonathan Bisson ORCID , James McAlpine , Shao-Nong Chen ORCID , Guido F. Pauli ORCID , Ana Bedran-Russo
journal Langmuir (RoMEO status: White)
subjects Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry Dentistry Polyphenols NMR
Proanthocyanidins (PACs) are secondary plant metabolites that mediate nonenzymatic collagen cross-linking and enhance the properties of collagen based tissue, such as dentin. The extent and nature of cross-linking is influenced by the composition and specific chemical structure of the bioactive compounds present in certain PAC-rich extracts. This study investigated the effect of the molecular weight and stereochemistry of polyphenol compounds on two important properties of dentin, biomechanics, and biostability. For that, purified phenols, a phenolic acid, and some of its derivatives were selected: PAC dimers (A1, A2, B1, and B2) and a trimer (C1), gallic acid (Ga), its esters methyl-gallate (MGa) and propyl-gallate (PGa), and a pentagalloyl ester of glucose (PGG).
categories publications science