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authors Carole Lambert , Tristan Richard , Elodie Renouf , Jonathan Bisson ORCID , Pierre Waffo-Téguo , Louis Bordenave , Nathalie Ollat , Jean-Michel Mérillon , Stéphanie Cluzet
journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (RoMEO status: White)
subjects Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry Vine Wine Stilbenoids Polyphenols NMR Mass Spectrometry
Grapevine canes are rich in resveratrol and its complex derivatives. These compounds have many biological activities and are needed mainly for health purposes. Canes, which are often wasted, can be used to produce these high-value compounds at low cost. We studied sixteen Vitis vinifera L. cultivars among the most widely cultivated ones worldwide. Polyphenols were extracted from their canes and identified by liquid chromatography–nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We accurately determined the content of E-ε-viniferin, E-resveratrol, E-piceatannol, and vitisin B and, for the first time, that of hopeaphenol and miyabenol C.
categories publications science